Friday, November 26, 2010

Will mother kick the baby bird out??

Alangkah bahagianya hidup jika hari-hari dapat bersarapan best macam ni. Rendang daging dan nasi impit ni dibawa oleh officemate. Memang kekenyangan sungguh kami. Dapat jugaklah ibu merasa daging korban tahun ini. Thanks to Ati yang bawak daging korban dari kampung and Kak Normah yang tukang masak. Superb!

Rendang daging yang super best!

Sambil bersantai makan2 (mentang2 lah takde kelas, student tengah semester break sampai Dis), biasanya ada sahaja perkara yang dibualkan. Bukan ngumpat..hehehe.

Kak Normah bercerita, suatu hari boss panggil dia mengadap dan menegur supaya datang awal ke office pada hari Isnin. Kak Normah memberi alasan yang pada hari Isnin dia terpaksa menghantar anak2 dia ke bus stop sebelum berkejar datang ke tempat kerja. Jika hari lain dia takde masalah untuk sampai awal.

Lalu berkata lah si boss tadi.."They are big enough to take care of theirself. Don't pampered them too much. They should take care of you, not you take care of them. If you see the bird, the mother will kick the baby bird from the nest to teach them how to fly".

Some of the parents especially mother feels that their children still a baby. Walaupun anak-anak sudah matured, sudah bekerja, sudah berumahtangga..tetapi di mata mereka, anak-anak tetap 'baby' sentiasa. But, at the same times as a parents we need to give our children a chance and opportunity to them to show their potential and more independent. Pujangga pernah berkata.."if we give a boy a fish, we just just feed him for a day..but if we teach him how to fish, we feed him for a lifetime".

For analogy, we know the birds born to fly. At the same time birds in the nest need to learn how to fly..and how at a certain point the mother will kick them out of the nest. She doesn't just keep bringing these litle baby birds food for the rest of their life, even though she loves them so much. She knows that at a certain point they have wings. And that learning to fly takes instinct and practice.

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